Title : Nancy Goslee Power fills the ample corners of her living room with versatile tables on either end of…
link : Nancy Goslee Power fills the ample corners of her living room with versatile tables on either end of…
Nancy Goslee Power fills the ample corners of her living room with versatile tables on either end of…
Nancy Goslee Power fills the ample corners of her living room with versatile tables on either end of the sofa. A Regency pedestal table, a classic once used behind sofas, serves as a library table illuminated by the large window and the corner lamp.
House Beautiful: Decorating Style, 1992
from Vintage Home Collection
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Now You're reading : Nancy Goslee Power fills the ample corners of her living room with versatile tables on either end of… Link Address https://coolbedroomideasforsmallrooms.blogspot.com/2024/01/nancy-goslee-power-fills-ample-corners.html