Title : The ‘Wisteria Porch’ of Georgian Colonial design, was added to Endean, the Charles Summer Bird…
link : The ‘Wisteria Porch’ of Georgian Colonial design, was added to Endean, the Charles Summer Bird…
The ‘Wisteria Porch’ of Georgian Colonial design, was added to Endean, the Charles Summer Bird…
The ‘Wisteria Porch’ of Georgian Colonial design, was added to Endean, the Charles Summer Bird estate, at the turn of the century. It stretches 80 feet across the front of the mansion and is framed by a canopy of wisteria.
Interior Visions: Great American Designers and the Showcase House, 1988
from Vintage Home Collection
That's all The ‘Wisteria Porch’ of Georgian Colonial design, was added to Endean, the Charles Summer Bird…
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Now You're reading : The ‘Wisteria Porch’ of Georgian Colonial design, was added to Endean, the Charles Summer Bird… Link Address https://coolbedroomideasforsmallrooms.blogspot.com/2024/01/the-wisteria-porch-of-georgian-colonial.html